Robot Additive DED Programming Made Easy with ESPRIT & Alma
Join the additive webinar to learn about the very first commercial version of ESPRIT’s new additive DED (direct energy deposition) feature.
Additive DED manufacturing with programmable industrial robots has become more and more prevalent, due to the relatively low cost compared to a machine-tool based DED setup. However, in order to program a robot to perform an additive DED task, the engineer needs to figure out not only the toolpath of the DED head, but also the robot arm movements to achieve the ideal toolpath more efficiently.
In order to provide customers with an end-to-end solution for programming Robot additive DED, ESPRIT has been working with Alma to bring the best of the two worlds together – the world’s most advanced toolpath planning in both subtractive and additive areas, and the industry-leading technology in robotics trajectory computation and off-line programming of arc welding robots. In this webinar, we will walk you through this new technology for programming Robot additive DED.
Why Attend?
In this ESPRIT additive manufacturing webinar, we will cover:
- An overview of Robot additive DED technology, including its applications and benefits
- The ESPRIT Additive DED system and how it works
- AlmaCam Weld for robot simulation
- End-to-end workflow for Robot additive DED programming
- Test cuts and demo

Clément Girard
Product Manager - Additive, DP Technology

Clément Leduque
Robotic Application Engineer, ALMA CAM