5-axis machining the easy way at MGO Lepaul with ESPRIT and Mazak
Success story
Éric Lepaul is the Methods and Machining Manager at MGO Lepaul in Offemont, France. The company specialises in precision engineering for the nuclear, transport and energy industries.

With ESPRIT, we build more value-added parts and we are active in markets which are at the leading edge of technology.
Eric Lepaul, Methods and Manufacturing Manager, MGO LepaulWatch the video of read the interview below.
What is your domain of excellence?
Lepaul: We manufacture all types of mechanical parts but we receive a lot of orders for complex parts such as turbine fins or pole plates. We have been machining these types of parts for 20 years.
Do you work for large corporate groups?
Lepaul: Yes, we are regularly contracted by large groups like General Electric or Alstom both in France and internationally.
Do you also do design?
Lepaul: Yes of course, we design and manufacture a broad range of different assemblies for industry: special machines, handling equipment, machining fixtures and so on.
I have heard that your entire machine shop is modern, less than 10 years old, is that true?
Lepaul: That's right, we recently acquired 24 CNC machines, mainly multi-axis milling and turning centres from Mazak. Some are equipped with the very latest touchscreen consoles.
Until 2015, you used the Mazak Mazatrol solution for programming your parts. Why did you migrate to ESPRIT CAM?
Lepaul: We wanted to upskill for our customers, who had projects with parts which needed 5-axis machining. We needed a powerful and reliable CAM solution. Mazak recommended ESPRIT and the relationship with the ESPRIT distributor (USIPROG) turned out to be very positive right from the start.
How did you manage the transition in your jobshop?
Lepaul: We attended a training on the multi-axis turning, 3D milling and simultaneous 5-axis milling modules. We immediately started programming parts which we took from our workshop and we were able to get up to speed on our machines relatively quickly.
What are the main difficulties you face in your work as a machinist?
Lepaul: The difficulty is that one has to go faster all the time! If we get stuck somewhere in the programming phase, we can use the ESPRIT hotline, which resolves the situation immediately.
Is there something exceptional that you have achieved recently?
Lepaul: This little component, an electric separator for the energy industry, used to be programmed in 4 operations, and we managed to programme it in a single operation.
Are there three words which you could use to summarize the benefits of ESPRIT?
Lepaul: Simplicity, methodology and optimisation.
Would you say that you are more competitive?
Lepaul: Our new skills, combined with our know-how, make us able to respond quickly to requests no matter what the project is. With ESPRIT, we build more value-added parts and we are active in markets which are at the leading edge of technology.